Learn and practice a variety of techniques and approaches specific to watercolor painting. Whether a beginner or experienced, enjoy a relaxing and supportive environment to paint from references, still life objects and observation. You will receive feedback and see what others are working on. Bring ideas for projects to class for instruction tailored to your needs, or participate in guided exercises to gain a deeper understanding of this medium. You may bring your own supplies, if you prefer to purchase your own supplies, please request a materials list at registration.
INSTRUCTOR: Russel Whitten studied Fine Arts and Art Education at Heartwood College of Art, Maine College of Art and Art Student League in New York. He is a member and showing artist with the Ogunquit Arts Association/Barn Gallery and The Wright Gallery in Cape Porpoise. He currently teaches art in the OOB/Saco and Wells-Ogunquit Adult Community Education Programs. Portfolio: Instagram@whittenrussel or Facebook