My "Reflecting with Tarot" class will explore the use of the 22 Trump cards of the Tarot deck known as the Major Arcana cards. Each of these cards symbolizes a passage in human development. Some refer to them as guides or angels, either way, I believe they are tools to open our minds to insights that may guide us along our journey through life. As we introduce ourselves to these artful Archetypes I will take you through a gentle journey of wonder and discovery, sometimes releasing the child within. We will reflect how these passages make us feel, if they resonate an impression or association, are they telling us something? As we open these doors to deepen our understanding of ourselves we can also broaden our understanding of others and the world around us. Dress comfortably and bring your crayons or colored pencils.
Instructor: Charlene Salvaggio is a multifaceted teacher, artist, healer, intuitive who has read and practiced meditation through Tarot for 33 years. As a freelance writer, you can find some of her work on the American Tarot Association Newsletters. Throughout the years she has read for various tearooms, healing facilities, businesses, and settings.